It looks for answers for two Big Questions
Why are ideas of socialism and welfare state so attractive for many people?
With sub questions: Is it related to the myths about them? Are the socialism and welfare myths interrelated?
How subjection to these myths is related to impairing of individual responsibility and their voluntary solidarity?
We want to find the answers by five hypotheses
We will test them in Slovakia. Their verification should be universally utilized. We want create conditions for long term and universal use of the project.
The aim of the project is to confront socialism and welfare state myths with reality and contribute to their eradication and to long term change in people´s thinking towards reinforcing their responsibility. Its impact should be increased interest, knowledge and understanding of these myths by Slovak public with assumed long term and universal usability of the project. We mean to achieve them by activities linking research and its transformation impact on the society.

CEQLS Lectures