“Socialism in Czechoslovakia was not a totalitarian regime and human rights were observed” according to approximately 45% of respondents participating in the April 2018 poll carried out by the FOCUS agency. …

During the socialist era, consumers could choose from an assortment of food that was of higher quality and healthier than today and Czechoslovakia was self-sufficient as concerned food production
“Food was safer and of higher quality during the socialist era than today” is the claim that up to 71% of respondents participating in the April 2018 poll carried out by …

The socialist regime protected the environment better, air and water were cleaner
“The socialist regime took better care of the environment, factories released less pollutants, air and water were clearer” according to 54% of respondents participating in the April 2018 poll carried out …

Economically successful socialist Czechoslovakia featured a developed transport and technical infrastructure
Isolation from the West and the economic lagging behind had negative impacts also on the transport and technical infrastructure. We are still burdened with the heritage of socialism – slow …

The socialist healthcare system was better and people lived longer than today
“The healthcare system during the socialist era was better, people lived longer, and less people died early due to diseases” according to 63% of respondents participating the April 2018 poll carried …

Socialism was more socially just because there were no big differences in incomes and property and no poor people
“Socialism was more socially just because everyone was remunerated according to the results of their work and there were no big differences in incomes” is the statement that 68.7% of …

Socialism guaranteed for both working people and pensioners a high standard of living that was higher than the current one
“For a majority of citizens, the standard of living during socialism was higher than today, people could afford more from their incomes” according to 55% of respondents participating the April 2018 …

Socialism guaranteed jobs for everyone. Everyone enjoyed security as to employment, there was no unemployment
“Thanks to the planned economy, there were sufficient useful work opportunities for everyone and therefore there was no unemployment”, is the claim that 77% of respondents participating in the April 2018 …

We benefited significantly from the cooperation with “brother” socialist countries. Czechoslovakia and other socialist countries were economically self-sufficient
During the more than forty years of their rule, communists kept on repeating that the economic “cooperation” among socialist countries is more efficient and more successful than the capitalist international …

Socialist Czechoslovakia successfully exported its products worldwide and there was a great demand for them abroad
“Until 1989, Czechoslovak products had excellent reputation abroad and were exported worldwide” according to 66% of respondents participating in the April 2018 poll carried out by the FOCUS agency. During the …